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Electroneural Diagnosis and Therapy

Integral diagnosis

In the case of the electro-neural-therapy the electric resistance and the capacity are measured at more than 200 so called reaction spots. About 50 percent of the reaction spots correspond with spots of acupuncture and differ significantly from the surrounding skin as far as their electric characteristics are concerned (the reaction spots have a lower electric resistance and at the same time a higher capacity).

In a healthy organism the readings do not diverge from a certain standard. In the case of an illness the readings differ more or less significantly from this standard. Usually an increase in the electric resistance is accompanied by a decrease of the capacity. The readings of the reaction spots are represented by means of a diagram. These so-called elctroneuralsomatograms can point to illnesses and their causes. Both, the diagnosis and the therapy, are absolutely painless.

The entire organism is treated

Life is not only bound to energy but also to a certain ionic environment. The production and the maintenance of bioelcetric potentials at the cytomembrane are in the centre of all kinds of regulations. At the cytomembrane and in the preceding system of the basic regulation the course is set for a healthy or an ill organism.

That is why especially such measures are of great use which influence this system directly in a normalising and regulating way.

Those spots of reaction showing a deviation from the standard are specifically being treated with weak electric currents, in order to regulate the electric proportions until they attain readings similar to those in a healthy organism. Healing processes are triggered by this and at the same time the organism is enabled to overcome illnesses which, until then, possibly could not be successfully treated. The electro-neural-therapy can not, of course, guarantee miracles but in many cases in which there was not any hope of improvement left, a healing or at least an improvement was attained.


Measuring principles

The measurement of the reaction spots (having a diameter of only 2-3 mm) is made by means of an electrode (with a diameter of 2,5 mm) using alternating currents of about 0,05mA and a frequency of 9 kHz. A special device inside the electrode guarantees a constant pressure of 100 Pond. The readings of the Ohm-resistance as well as those of the capacity are directly indicated and represented in a diagram.

The principle of the diagnostic evaluation

In an ill organism the readings of most if not of all reaction spots differ more or less significantly from the standard. Considering the readings of all reaction spots diagnostic statements can be made. Those reaction spots which differ most significantly from the mean give important indications as far as the diagnosis is concerned. Measuring differences of similar reaction spots on the right and the left side of the body are taken into consideration as well as the global differences between the left and the right side of the body.

The therapeutical principle

By means of exactly dosed painless electric stimulation of the reaction spots and a change of the ionic environment, a changement of the electric resistance and the capacity towards the standard is brought about. This treatment is done in a very specific way, since only those reaction spots are treated which show an increase of the omic resistance. Exponential electric current impulses of about 0,5 to 2 mA with an impulse frequency of 0,4 to 1 kHz are used for this. The therapeutical electric current is switched off automatically as soon as the regular resistance of the reaction spot is reached in order to avoid possible overstimulations. Once the therapeutical electric current has been cut off, the electric resistance of the reaction spot slowly rises again without attaining the starting readings. The readings can often be stabilised near the standard through repeated treatments (usually 20 to 40 sessions are necessary).

After every ten sessions the reaction spots are measured again in order to control in how far the readings have changed and in order to decide which reaction spots need further treatment. The session take place 2-6 times per week and take about 15 minutes (depending on how many spots need to be treated). The normalisation of the readings is often accompanied by a subjective as well as by an objective improvement. Do not worry if you feel tired after the treatment - this is absolutely normal.

The best results will be attained if the patient rests during the 30 minutes which follow the treatment.

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